Face It

One of the first things people notice about you is your face. Healthy skin looks good and feels great too. When the body is nourished with the proper vitamins and hydrated then your skin radiates. Keeping skin looking good doesn't stop with a proper diet. Clean is important, too. You wouldn't wash your car windows with the same soap that you use on the rest of the vehicle, so should you be using that same body wash on your face? Probably not. The level of surfactant (surfactant is a chemical that stabilizes mixtures of oil and water) is higher in body soaps than in facial cleansers. You don't want to strip your face of too many natural oils. Moisturizer is also important to remember. Not only does it give your skin a smooth and youthful appearance, one with a minimum of SPF 15 will help block out dangerous UV rays that could cause cancer. Good skin care isn't just for vain, 20 something girly girls. It's important for gals and guys of all ages. Take care of your skin not just because it looks good, but because it feels good and is a reflection of how well you feel on the inside too. Let's face it - that's something that everyone likes to see!

Check out WebMD for food suggestions and healthier skin


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