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Fashion & Compassion

Don't forget that Physical Matters when it comes shopping as much as Physical Matters to our physical well being. Practice compassion when you shop! "Going Green" isn't just about recycling. It's about making our best efforts to make the world more pleasant for all forms of life. Consider checking out some of these sites for some fabulous "fashion & compassion".

MATT & NATT for awesome vegan handbags and accessories.

MooShoes for vegan footwear.

Inhabitat is a weblog about smart, earth kind design, etc. Shopping too!

Send me your favorite links! -pm

The Experimental Runner

Advice for today: do what you want, however you want - just don't be mad about what you get! However, don't let the possibility of an unanticipated outcome prevent you from experimenting. Running every day might not work for you but if you don't try you won't know. If it doesn't work for you to run every day that doesn't mean your body wants you to quit all together. It might be telling you that it wants less running more lifting. If accidents didn't happen nothing would.

Kid's Fitness

In this day of video games and DVDs, kids and adults are in need of more daily activity. Physical activity. The kind where they run around until they can't catch a breath or pedal a bike so hard they make going uphill look like a slide down a mountain side. These days so many kids are out of touch with fitness that grandma's knitting looks like cardio. USA Today says that one-third of U.S. adolescents are overweight. With easy access to junk food and limited physical activity the number will continue to rise. School physical education classes help but are not enough. Like many life long habits, kids imitate actions of their parents. Good health habits start at home. Teach kids that food and fitness is a good thing to understand and prove it. Get the family involved in physical activities as a whole as well as individually. Many gyms are adding kid's aerobics to their schedule of events. Sign 'em up! Get them involved in learning how to fit fitness into their schedules at an early age so it isn't an intrusion later in life when the doctor is brow beating Jr. to drop a few lbs. Prevention is key to avoiding heart disease, type II diabetes, and other serious health problems. It is important to teach kids how to nourish their bodies with good nutrition and exercise for keeping the body functional throughout life. No, not every person is a born athlete but everyone can be fit like one. After all, Physical Matters! -pm

The Experimental Runner

Traditionally, I run the local Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning. It seems to get larger every year. While it's great to see the hoards of people getting out and getting exercise, it has also become-well, a bit of a pain. So many people are registering at the last minute that the race gets held up so the huge mass of runners are left bouncing up and down at the starting line trying to keep warm. Then there is a pre-race speech that you can't hear over the crowd's chatter. This year I opted to trot on my own and I was hitting the shower while the race folk where just warming up. I'm not sure if I missed it or not. Regardless, the day is done as is the 5k. However, sometimes part of the pleasure is the pain. -ter